Monday, January 26, 2009

If your parents really disliked the person that you wanted to marry, would you marry this person anyway?

I don’t think my parents would ever really dislike the person I wanted to marry because I want the same characteristics in a guy as my parents would want. If they still did dislike this person though, I would ask them their reasons why. If I didn’t see their point, or didn’t agree with them, I probably would still go and marry this person. I think that who you marry should ultimately be your own decision. I also think sometimes a parents’ judgment may be wrong, but I would definitely be curious to why they feel the way they do.


  1. Wow, thats really cool that you would listen to your parents. Thats how I feel too.

  2. You know, you are right. Like you said, my parents would not dislike whoever I married, but they might disagree when it comes right down to it. Of course, no matter what, I would marry the guy, even if they didn't like him. Hey, it's my decision, they can't rule my life forever.

  3. I agree. If my parents wanted me to marry someone they liked I would tell them that its not their choice its mine. And if they didn't like it then its their problem. I wouldn't want to marry someone that my parents approved of especially if I didn't like that person.


  4. I believe that you should marry anyone as you pleese.I know that your parrents brought you to this world but it shoulnt mean that they decide you future for you.
